The Tag Groups plugin works only with post types that have tags or other non-hierarchical taxonomies, such as post tags, product tags or other tags. Categories are not supported.
In order to use the Tag Groups plugin you will need the following:
- WordPress version 4.9 or higher. Recommended is the latest version.
- An administrator account to install plugins and change settings.
- You will need knowledge of HTML and CSS if you want to customize the styling. Your web designer will be able to help you.
- WordPress 5.0 or higher or the Gutenberg plugin if you want to use Gutenberg blocks.
- A server environment that that is able to run the latest version of WordPress, including the following PHP extensions. Your hosting provider will be able to tell you, if these conditions are met.
dom gmagick SimpleXML ssh2 xml xmlreader curl date exif filter ftp gd hash iconv imagick json libxml mbstring mysqli openssl pcre posix sockets SPL tokenizer zlib
WordPress recommends also the following extensions:
gmagick ssh2 exif imagick